Friday, November 7, 2008

We go together like Traffic and Weather

I thought I would pull a Mike and Jess and make a shout out to my wonderful husband.

I feel bad that I am gone so much with work and school, but Brett has been so great. He knew I really wanted to go back and get a degree and he has supported me all the way, with bringing me meals, sending me cute texts, and even volunteered writing a stupid Biology movie review paper for me (I won't tell you if he did that or not...ok he did...).
We are going on a date this weekend and I am so excited. I think the plan is Tucanoes and BodyWorld Exhibit to look at all the cadaviers!!! mmmm, eating meat and observing meat.
I love you Brett!!!


Joel said...

Husbands are the best! Yeah so are you sure you can't come to Oregon for Christmas? Wishful thinking...

Natalee said...

Brock and I went to that Body world... crazy weird. We thought it was a little pricy though. Maybe because we drove from logan :D

Anonymous said...

Way to go Brett...but I'm sure you deserve it Melissa. : ) Your date sounds fun...we really want to go see Body World's looks so interesting.

Unknown said...

okay i am bustin up over here.. eating meat and looking at meat.. NICE! hahaha. i miss you two!

Gina and Jon said...

You guys are cute together!