Friday, January 4, 2008

The Big Fat Temple Wedding

So we finally tied the knot on September 28, 2007! Hooray for ordained marriage....anyway. That day was spectacular. We sealed our fates at 10 a.m. at the Mt. Timpanogos temple. Our sealer was Joseph McConkie (Bruce's grandson) and he did a magnanimous job.

Melissa looked smoking hot in her form fitting wedding dress. Owe, owe. When we walked out of the temple I was so excited to show off my smokin' hot wife, that I kept shouting out, "This is my wife! This is my wife!" We got our pictures taken and then headed off to the wedding luncheon at the...well the name escapes me, but I'm sure it will come back.

For lunch we had chicken cordon bleu, rolls and some good salad. Once everyone had eaten, our parents said a little something, and then we watched our wedding video that her brother made (he did our pictures too).

A few hours later our reception was held at "Somewhere Inn Time." A nice little reception center in Lindon. Our reception seemed like eternity but it was good to see so many of our loved ones and to celebrate with them. When it was time to cut the cake, Melissa's true character emerged and I got a nice piece of cake to the face. When it was my turn to feed her, I however was gentle and made sure not to get any cake smeared on her dress or makeup :)

After the reception we were so hungry that we stopped at Arby's on our way to the Marriott because we didn't have a chance to eat at the reception. What a day....what a day...


Gina and Jon said...

So I'm a big fan of that picture, it is really cool. I wish I had gotten to go to all of your festivities.. but I will say that the reception was sweet looking and they had the best little chicken salad sandwiches of all time that I still crave now and then!
Also I'm glad you guys have a blog!

The Alvords said...

You guys are too cute! I'm so excited for you guys. Marriage is amazing. As soon as we are back in UT we should go on a group date! Our blog is

Courtney Spiker-Alvord